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Progress Loader


The Progress Loader component shows the progress of an ongoing action.


The Progress Loader displays a loading bar to indicate the real-time progress of a system action. It also contains loading text to describe the delay to the user, and completion percentage. There are 2 variants: Set Value and Set Estimated Time to Completion.



yarn add @iag/chroma-react-ui.components


import { ProgressLoader } from "@iag/chroma-react-ui.components";

When to use

Use the Progress Loader to communicate the progression of a known, quantifiable process to the user. For example, during a file upload or processing a set task.

When to avoid

Avoid using Progress Loader for actions when the load time can’t be estimated. In such scenarios, consider using the Spinner component.


  • Do include informative labels to offer the reason for waiting, such as 'Your payment is being processed' or 'Loading results'.


  • Don’t show the Progress Loader as a repetitive animation.

Visual Style

The Progress Loader is styled in accordance with the brand's colour scheme and design language. It's typically presented as a horizontal bar.


Use the Set Value variant to manage the progress value shown (eg. show 25% complete, then change to 45%, etc). Use the Set Estimated Time to Completion variant to show the progress value calculated from a time estimate provided.