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The Navigation example guide users through site content.


The Navigation example serves as a base for building the optimal navigation for a website or application. Navigations can feature in horizontal menus, vertical sidebars, or breadcrumb trails, providing users with pathways to explore content.

When to use

Use Navigation when users need clear and structured pathways to navigate through different sections or pages of an application or website. It's particularly useful for complex systems with multiple layers of content.


  • Keep the navigation structure logical and consistent across all pages.
  • Prioritise important sections or pages prominently within the navigation.
  • Use descriptive labels to improve content discovery.
  • Provide visual cues to indicate the user's current location within the navigation hierarchy.
  • Consider responsiveness and adaptability across different screen sizes and devices.


  • Overload the navigation with too many options, which can overwhelm users.
  • Obscure important navigation elements with unnecessary animations or design elements.