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Content Switcher


The Content Switcher example allows users to edit content in context.


A Content Switcher enables users to seamlessly transition between editable and non-editable states of content within a single interface. Allowing users to make changes directly within the context of the page, eliminating the need for navigating to a separate editing interface. It helps users maintain focus, reduces cognitive load, and improves efficiency when managing and updating content.

When to use

Use a Content Switcher where the user would benefit from editing content inline or in-context without disrupting their experience.

When to avoid

Avoid using a Content Switcher if the content editing process involves complex interactions or requires a dedicated editing environment with additional functionality beyond simple inputs. Also avoid using a Content Switcher for content that doesn't require frequent editing or updates, as it may introduce unnecessary complexity to the interface.


  • Provide clear visual cues, such as distinct states or visual indicators, to differentiate between editable and non-editable content.
  • Offer clear action buttons or controls for users to switch between states and save their changes easily.
  • Consider accessibility by providing alternative methods for editing content, such as keyboard shortcuts or assistive technology support, to accommodate all users.


  • Overload the Content Switcher with unnecessary features or options that may confuse users or distract them from the primary task of content editing.
  • Obscure important content or functionality in either state of the content switcher, ensuring that users can access all necessary information and actions without difficulty.