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Progress Indicator


The Progress Indicator pattern visually guides users through a pre-defined multi-step process.


The Progress Indicator pattern visually guides users through a pre-defined multi-step process. It helps eliminate ambiguity and uncertainty by clearly showing users their current position within the process, how much progress they've made, and what steps remain.



yarn add @iag/chroma-react-ui.components


import { ProgressIndicator } from "@iag/chroma-react-ui.components";

When to use

Use the Progress Indicator when users are working through a linear, multi-step process and could benefit from understanding their progress. This is particularly effective in scenarios such as:

  • Multi-step forms like applications or registrations.
  • Tasks requiring completion, such as submitting claims.
  • Process navigation where users might need to revisit or edit previous steps.

When to avoid

Avoid using Progress Indicators when there are fewer than 3 steps, as it may add unnecessary complexity. Also avoid when the progression through steps is non-linear or may change, as a Progress Indicator may not be able to accurately represent the progression and add unnecessary confusion.


  • Use short labels (1-2 words) that clearly indicate the purpose of the step.
  • Place the Progress Indicator consistently across the interface to maintain a cohesive user experience.


  • Use long or overly complex that may clutter the interface or overwhelm users.

Clickable steps

The Progress Indicator can be made clickable when users need the flexibility to revisit completed steps in a multi-step process. This is particularly helpful in workflows where users might need to review or adjust prior inputs.